Finally Friday.

  Nothing like a four-month hiatus. Let’s call it summer break and then some. Mmmmk? All I have to say for this week is that thank goodness it’s Friday. There was a spider in my car (which is NOT ok on so many levels), I spilled nail polish all over my comforter and duvet, EleanorContinue reading “Finally Friday.”

In the blink of an eye.

Oh, hi, fall. You’re here already? Pretty sure I just blinked my left eye and it was the 4th of July, so where the heck did you come from? Maybe if I blink my right eye tomorrow will be Christmas? I’m guessing this will probably happen regardless of whether I blink an eye, take a nap or click my ruby shoes together. Time flies when you’re having fun, er, are busy.

There’s a hint of winter in the air.

I forgot to take pictures, assuming that the snow would linger long enough for me to grab a few shots after work — it’s just like Colorado to snow all morning and have it melted by the time I drive home (dry roads and all). To celebrate the welcoming of winter, Christian and I are headed to the Nuggets game when they are going to break the Lakers winning streak (a girl can dream can’t she?). I gave him tickets for our anniversary and it just so happens to coincide with the first snow!

Well hello, Monday.

I’ve been a little few and far between with my posting lately. Part of me thinks it’s because I’m gearing up for Nablopomo yet again and can’t waste it all in October and the other part of me is feeling entirely uninspired. It’s a cloudy day here in Colorado and it’s going to start raining in the next couple hours. I love rain. I love fall.

Fall the very best season of them all.

I took Charles for a walk tonight, right at dusk. I hate that the sun drops so early these days. The passing of summer with it’s sense of adventure and warm weather always brings a mixture of emotions for me. I love fall with all my heart. The feeling of coming home, being centered and knowing that it will all be alright. The changing leaves, soup season, start of a new school year, temperatures that warrant a sweatshirt at night, Halloween, Thanksgiving, they all do it for me. One by one and as a whole.