Boom goes the dynamite – big news.

As you can imagine things have been hectic. Somedays I feel like a crazy person running around while other days I’m totally nonchalant as in “This wedding that’s quickly approaching? No, of course it doesn’t phase me”. I’d say you’d have a 50/50 chance on who will show up on any given day. We’re also house hunting because who doesn’t love a little added chaos? I know that I sure do. We actually wrote a contract and made an offer on one so keep your fingers crossed.

Well hello, Monday.

I’ve been a little few and far between with my posting lately. Part of me thinks it’s because I’m gearing up for Nablopomo yet again and can’t waste it all in October and the other part of me is feeling entirely uninspired. It’s a cloudy day here in Colorado and it’s going to start raining in the next couple hours. I love rain. I love fall.

Fall the very best season of them all.

I took Charles for a walk tonight, right at dusk. I hate that the sun drops so early these days. The passing of summer with it’s sense of adventure and warm weather always brings a mixture of emotions for me. I love fall with all my heart. The feeling of coming home, being centered and knowing that it will all be alright. The changing leaves, soup season, start of a new school year, temperatures that warrant a sweatshirt at night, Halloween, Thanksgiving, they all do it for me. One by one and as a whole.


Charles survived his surgery… only to come back to me as Frankenpuppy. He had a gnarly 3.5″ incision with rough looking stitches covering his abdomen — all the way from his sternum to his man business. Take a peek: I was a little shocked when I picked him up that 1.) his incision was GINORMOUSContinue reading “Frankenpuppy.”

This, that and some other thing.

We’ve also had a bit of excitement with our drier. Now I know it’s hard to not get all riled up with just the mention of a drier, because well driers are like sex. Something everyone secretly wants to talk about, but doesn’t because they don’t want to seem like the creeper that breathes heavily in the corner. So, now that it’s out in the open, our drier is broken.


Seeing as it’s Thanksgiving, I find it more than appropriate to express my gratitude for so many things in life. My friends and family… honestly I couldn’t live without them or their inappropriate senses of humor. You know who you are. These “saying thanks” things can get a little overwhelming if you think about it.Continue reading “Thankful.”