So, It’s been a while.

Either way, it’s a new thing for me. This waning urge to spatter my thoughts out on a blank canvas read by strangers (and non-strangers). I don’t know where that puts me, if it leaves me here or somewhere else entirely.

If you do still stop by on occasion, I’m here. I just don’t know what I’m doing. (Which, really, do I ever?)

I just want to write.

You should see my drafts box, all overloaded and bursting with half-written posts and unfinished thoughts. Each time I login to write, those posts stare back at me like I’m some sort of traitor — not allowing them out in to the world. Instead, I open several of them in different tabs, read through the words, make minor changes, hit “save draft” and exit out of the screen. Feeling no more accomplished than I did when I first logged in.

Finally Friday.

For the weekend? It’s going to be top notch. I can’t share all the details just yet because some of them are still top secret, but I can tell you that we’re having two fun family dinners, a fancy steak dinner for Christian’s birthday and we’ll probably head to the farmer’s market (where I’ll spend a ridiculous amount of money on the BEST watermelon I’ve ever tasted). Also, I have to find time to clean… the kitchen is clean, but that’s about it (oh! and the dogs need baths, I can’t even remember the last time they were bathed), it’s gross.