Finally Friday.

If I had to dub this week something, I would dub it the week of the corn chip. And, the week of the rain. First of all, my diet has been squeaky clean this week with the exception of corn chips (and a touch of gluten free/healthified chex mix). The corn chips started with a stop of at my Mom’s earlier this week to try out her freshly made salsa, then dinner at a Mexican restaurant with a freind, then a Mexican catered lunch at work. I can pass up the flour tortillas and the cheese just fine… but you offer me a slightly salted, crispy corn chip and all bets are off.

Finally Friday.

Hello Friday, it’s nice to see you. This week has been good and packed full of bible study, time at home, comedy works with my family and good weather. The only downside was the BIG TIME explosion of purple berry smoothie early this morning. But that humiliation (and extreme amount of clean-up) has now passedContinue reading “Finally Friday.”

My Favorite Things – December.

I love the month of December… I look forward to it all year. Really I enjoy May – December. January – April, not so much. So many wonderful things happen in December. People care, they take time to share cookies with their neighbors, tacky sweater parties and Christmas. Some people also go a little crazy, but I choose to keep the freaks at bay.

The Full 100.

Typically I don’t share my workouts because they aren’t very exciting and I’m 90% sure they wouldn’t be interesting or helpful to anyone… but I was feeling fairly ambitious the other day. I knocked out the first level of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred and decided that level 2 sounded too boring to try. Instead of calling it quits I turned to the 100 workout I’ve seen making it’s way around the interwebs. Why not. Counting is easy enough.