Current Reads.

  I was a reading fiend these past couple months… here are a few that were on the list! If I Stay. By Gayle Forman I liked this book, but didn’t love it. Given the fact that there’s a movie based on the book and an awful lot of hype… I just expected a littleContinue reading “Current Reads.”

The growing pile.

Reading is one of my one true loves in life. I love it so much that a book can envelop my entire consciousness for days and wind its way into my inner workings. I’ve got shelves crammed full of books I’ve read and don’t have the heart to get rid of, books that I can’t wait to crack open and devour and even more books that others hope I’ll want to read. I’ve spent hours in book stores and even more time at the library book sale each fall scouring the titles for something that speaks to me – meaning it could be anything from the Poisonwood Bible to something about vampires (cough, Twilight Series, cough).

Operation book sale.

I dragged the bf (also from here on out to be known as ________) to be the muscle of the library book operation. Someone had to carry them around for me… and it was also payback for “teaching how to play a computer game involving tanks” at 10:00 the night before. I’m sure he loved every second, and by loved I may mean simply existed through the hour or so I spent digging through boxes and piles of books. I walked away (on day 1) with two bags full of books and $32 less in my wallet.

Pools, Food and Mickey.

A lot of days I get caught up in the little things about life. The errands I have to run, the clothes I have to wash, the barf I stepped in barefoot that I have to clean up (thanks Charles). So today, in an effort to keep looking forward and remember all the great things coming up, here are a few things I’m looking forward to!