Confessions Round 4.

1.) I frequently burst out into song. And, the timing doesn’t always make sense. I could be singing the dogs a little diddy that I’ve just made up or dropping the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner while sauteing some veggies for fajitas. It probably gets old, but Christian (and the puppies) are pretty good sports about not telling me how ridiculous I am.

Confessions Round 3.

I don’t BOO at Nuggets (NBA) games. Let me clarify. I was raised with the belief that Boo-ing is bad sportsmanship and it wasn’t something we ever did. So, when the arena erupts in Boo’s the moment an opponent goes to shoot a free throw, you’ll find me silent (and cringing). However, I’m all for boo-ing bad calls and players that ask for it (I’m looking at you Westbrook — after the Rocky goal tending episode).

Confessions Round 2.

1.) I cannot remember to pluck my eyebrows. Like ever. It all comes to a head when I do a double take wondering if I’ve got just a touch too much foundation near my eyebrows only to realize it’s been over a month since I gave them some attention. For my sister’s wedding last month,Continue reading “Confessions Round 2.”