
Well, hello there!

I’m Megan.


I’m always trying to get out of vacuuming the family room and find just about any reason to laugh (while crossing my legs, because the laugh pee is a very real thing). I’m married to Christian, mom to two 9 lb. Maltese monsters and an aspiring kitchen superhero. That’s right. I can whip up a batch of cookies, homemade macaroni & cheese or the best roasted salmon you’ve ever had, on the spot.

I’m a non-stop consumer of information and have a plethora of useless facts stored away for that rainy day (re: stories of cannibalism,  the evolution of wheat, the best email marketing tactics). Self-help is the best kind and finding ways to stay inspired is my addiction.

A few random facts about yours truly…

I adore: photography, cupcakes, sharks, the smell of rain, square cut pizza, a good mountain view and sparkles.

I despise: spiders, mushrooms, dry skin, cleaning my floors, repeating myself, un-tucked bed sheets and puppy breath.

2 thoughts on “About.

  1. Why charlie for the dog name? And does he sometimes go by Chuck, or Charles, or Chaz even (like for when you’re playing tennis with him)?

    1. No real reason for the name besides the fact that it’s awesome. He goes by Charles a lot… a few friends call him Chuck, but Chaz has escaped him as of yet…

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