For the first time in a long time.


Yesterday on New Year’s Eve, for the first time in a long time, I didn’t feel an overwhelming sense of relief that the year was over. I wasn’t craving a fresh start or thankful to be putting a year of hardship behind me. Don’t get me wrong, the past few years have had their share of highs, but they’ve also had some pretty significant lows. And at the end of each year I’m grateful for the good times but ever so eager to be escaping the hard moments.

As the clock turned over to 12:00 AM (a time I didn’t think I’d be seeing with a 6 week old, but alas I was wrong), I found myself hoping that 2016 would be as good as 2015 and wondering if it was even possible for it to be better? And in that moment, it felt good.

It felt good to be thankful and most importantly, it felt good to be happy. Because, that’s what I am. Happy.

2015 was full of greatness — here’s a quick rundown:

  • I found out I was pregnant after trying for almost 2 years.
  • I was in 3 weddings for some of my very best and oldest friends.
  • We traveled – Austin, Aspen, San Diego, Ventura!
  • Did I mention that I was pregnant and loved every minute – even the uncomfortable ones.
  • We continued renovating our house — which is a never ending work in progress.
  • We spent time with family. Both our immediate families that live close as well as our extended family that came through Denver to visit. Family is truly such a gift!
  • We welcomed our sweet Eleanor Anne on November 16!

There’s so much more to say and catch up on, but that’s a start.

With that, all I have to say is: hello  2016, you’ve got some big boots to fill, but I’m looking forward to making it happen.


Published by Megan

I'm a marketer, cook, avid bug hater, cupcake lover, hiker, klutz, and married lady living in the great state of Colorado... My name is Megan Stecker and I'm a Colorado native. That's right, born and raised. I currently live in Denver and work in Marketing. I love what I do and watching it impact my client's business. I love to cook and bake. A good glass of wine can cure what's ailing you as long as you drink it in good company. I love the outdoors. Hiking, camping, exploring... I'm in. I have two dogs, Ollie and Duke, and I treat them like a children. My husband, friends and family mean everything to me. I also, inadvertently, find myself in the midst of disaster on a regular basis.

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